WV Appliance Rebate Program begins


   With objectives of spurring economic growth, saving energy and reducing pollution, the first-ever West Virginia Energy Efficient Appliance Rebate Program was brought on line today by Gov. Joe Manchin during a ceremony at the Capitol.

    The program is being administered through the West Virginia Department of Environmental Protection, in conjunction with Helgeson Enterprises, a Minnesota-based rebate fulfillment company. The Appliance Rebate Program is sponsored by the U.S. Department of Energy and funded through the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) of 2009.

    Beginning today, West Virginia consumers will be offered mail-in rebates to help them replace older, inefficient appliances with ENERGY STAR®-qualified appliances. To qualify for rebates, consumers must be West Virginia residents, purchase appliances from participating West Virginia retailers and certify on the rebate application that the new appliance replaces an existing appliance.

    ENERGY STAR appliances eligible for rebates in West Virginia are clothes washers, dishwashers, refrigerators, freezers and room air conditioners. As part of the Appliance Rebate Program, participating retailers have agreed to take old appliances out of service and recycle them.

    “I hope a good number of West Virginians take advantage of this worthwhile program,” Gov. Manchin said. “It will not only help us do our part in reducing pollution, but it will also help lower energy bills for many West Virginians and stimulate the state’s economy.”

    Eighty-eight West Virginia retailers have signed on to participate in the program, which will run until February 2012 or until funds are depleted. Close to $1.7 million in ARRA funding has been dedicated to West Virginia’s rebate program. Rebate amounts on ENERGY STAR appliances are $100 for refrigerators; $75 and $50 for clothes washers; $75 and $50 for dishwashers; $25 for freezers; and $20 for room air conditioners.

    “This program has benefits well beyond putting cash back into consumers’ wallets,” DEP Cabinet Secretary Randy Huffman said. “By purchasing an ENERGY STAR-qualified clothes washer, for example, a West Virginia consumer can save as much as 7,500 gallons of water in a year and close to 83,000 gallons over the lifetime of the washer. Significant savings in electricity, natural gas and carbon dioxide emissions are also byproducts of this program.”   

    For more information, consumers and participating retailers can go to www.wvappliancerebate.com or call (877) 355-9153.


Kathy Cosco
304-926-0499, ext. 1331