Geology Handbook

​​The West Virginia Department of Environmental Protection (WVDEP), Division of Mining and Reclamation, has developed this geologic handbook for the purpose of assuring consistency in the technical review of permit applications. It is also intended to be used as a technical manual for industry representatives preparing a permit application under the West Virginia Surface Mining Program. The document explains the types of information, which may be required in a permit application, including procedures to sample and analyze geologic strata. The format of this document is designed to follow a logical progression from the collection of existing data to the writing of a geologic description. Because the West Virginia surface mining reclamation regulations and the permit application form are subject to change, the handbook was intentionally written to exclude regulatory citations and application cross-references. The checklist identifies the regulatory citation and appropriate handbook section for each item of the current application form. The checklist will be revised and replaced as changes in the application or regulations occur. Also, the handbook itself will be periodically reviewed and updated to accommodate changes in technical procedures and requirements. 

Handbook Contents